While we strive for accuracy in all publications, we sometimes find mistakes in our printed materials. As errors are discovered, our online store and catalogue PDFs are updated immediately, and this page will be periodically updated. Following is a list of corrections for our current printed catalogues.


Version: ALL
Item(s): 161319 | 161320 | 161321

The price listed in the catalogue for the Zoo Crew Suite Collection is incorrect. The correct price is 94,00 € I £72.50.

Version: DE
Item(s): 157877

The catalogue lists the Timeless Tiles Stamp Set with a wrong item number. The correct item number is 157877.

Version: DE
Item(s): 106550,159228

The catalogue is missing the information that the A4 Basics Collection Cardstock Packs in Very Vanilla (106550) and in Basic White (159228) each contain 40 sheets.

Version: DE
Item(s): 162481

Within the Basics Collection, the catalogue contains the product name “Klassisches Stempelkissen Marker”. This is wrong. The correct product name is “Stampin’ Write Marker”.

Version: ALL
Item(s): 161750

The catalogue lists this paper as double-sided. That is incorrect. This paper is single-sided.

Version: ALL
Item(s): 161749

The catalogue lists the measurements for this paper as 12" x 12" (30.5 x 30.5 cm). That is incorrect. The correct measurements are: 6" x 6" (15.2 x 15.2 cm).

Version: ALL
Item(s): 163883

The price listed in the catalogue for the Basic Black 6" x 8" (15.2 x 20.3 cm) Album is incorrect. The correct price is 14,00 € I £10.75.

Version: EN
Item(s): 110755

The catalogue states the wrong price for the Multipurpose Liquid Glue. The correct price is £5.25.

Version: DE
Item(s): 161346

The German catalogue lists the So Refreshing Dies with a wrong item number. The correct item number is 161346. The price in EUR is correct.

Version: DE
Item(s): 161347

The catalogue lists the So Refreshing bundle with a wrong item number. The correct item number is 161347.

Version: DE
Item(s): 160644

The German catalogue states that the Sweet Citrus Hybrid Embossing Folder costs 46,00 €. That is incorrect. The correct price in Euros is 40,00 €.

Version: FR
Item(s): 159272

The French catalogue mentions the wrong item number for the Voici Dies. The correct item number is 159272.



We occasionally find mistakes in the packaging that comes with our products, such as kit instructions. The list below will be updated whenever we find an error.

Product Name: Envelope Treat Boxes

The packaging lists the quantity as 20. This is incorrect. There are 20 gold foil stickers and 10 white stampable boxes.

Product Name: Festive Pearls

The colours listed on the packaging are incorrect. The correct colours are Cherry Cobbler, gold, silver, and Soft Succulent.